Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are you one of the half a million Americans that suffer from Insomnia related to SAD (Seasonal Affective disorder)?

According to a shocking and recent report that was published by Mental Health in America, at least half a million Americans suffer from lack of sleep that is related to a symptom called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Not surprising, however, is that the most commonly recommended treatment method is actually by using something natural, because there is no reason to go as far as using habit-forming sleeping drugs – which are both costly and can be dangerous – when you can easily resolve these sleeping woes by harnessing the power of Mother Nature.

In an article that was published in mid December on the popular online news portal,, which detailed a report that was issued for this year’s holiday season by Mental Health in America, according to the experts, countless people suffer from the symptoms of SAD—one of the most common symptoms: insomnia related to seasonal changes.

The article cites,

“Mental Health in America says as many as a half-million people are affected by SAD every winter between September and April, peaking in December, January and February. Three out of four sufferers are women. The main age of onset is between 18 and 30. "The farther north you go, the more the instances of seasonal affective disorder," Owens said. "Roughly, in the U.S., 1 in 4 people have SAD. In Florida, it may be 1 in 10, and as high as 1 in 3 in the New England states. In the Maryland area it's about 1 in 4, according to NIMH research." People who live in less sunny regions of the world, such as the United Kingdom, are more susceptible to SAD. And a recent poll of veterinarians in the U.K. found that pets, too, may be affected by the disorder. Symptoms include feelings of sadness or hopelessness, anxiety, loss of energy, social withdrawal, oversleeping, and loss of interest in favorite activities, craving starchy and sweet foods, weight gain and difficulty concentrating or processing information. In children and teens, symptoms may also include crying spells, difficulty getting up for school, lower grades and self-esteem, according to The Sunbox Co. Owens said SAD differs from depression in that people tend to sleep less, not more, with depression and tend to not eat as much and have weight loss. "The symptoms are reversed for SAD sufferers."


Thankfully, there are some natural products that can easily defeat insomnia associated with SAD. Did you know that Somulin is the most relied upon natural sleep-aid in the world? It only uses all natural ingredients that naturally allow your body to induce sleep, and it is not habit-forming!

Learn more at: