Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why Anti-Wrinkle Creams Are Safer than Injected Treatments

Did you know that injected skin care products, like the popular Botox, and others, are actually very dangerous and have a vast array of side effects that many people who use them report? In essence, products like Botox are actually injecting a mild form of Botulism into your skin, and when the injections go bad, it can wreak havoc on the body. Amongst the many undesirable side effects that these products can have, sometimes patients even lose all feeling in their faces, also known as facial paralysis. Thankfully there ear easier, more convenient and far more affordable means to reverse the affects of aging in your skin.

Rather than subject yourself to expensive and painful, embarrassing sets of shots at your doctor office, why not use a clinically proven and 100% safe and side effect free topical cream that will do more than a set series of shots? Products like Skinlastin, only use all-natural ingredients and do not require that you visit your doctor regularly for checkups and more shots. Rather, this anti-wrinkle cream deeply penetrates the skin and actually reverses the affects of aging safely and effectively.