Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do you Know the Signs of a Dirty Colon?

Many people are unaware that many common daily ailments may indeed be related to their colon. And the colon is not the most talked about organ in the body, lets be honest. There are some pretty common signs that you can adhere to that will tell you if you need to get a colon cleansing to clean your body out and detoxify. Getting a colon cleanse does not have to be a costly affair either—the local colon hydrotherapist will charge a hefty fee to for a colon cleansing and it never entirely cleans out your colon. Rather, there are natural and healthy alternatives that you can choose to take instead, which offer a bit more privacy.

Signs of a dirty a colon:
-Skin break-outs
-Dull and blemished skin
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
-Poor digestion
-Intestinal parasites
-Constant food cravings
-Food allergies
-Weight gain

If you suffer from any of the above you could relieve most of these symptoms using a colon cleanse product like Colopril, in the privacy of your own home, which will detoxify your system and help you to live a happier and healthier life.