Sunday, August 30, 2009

Top Four Reasons Anxiety Woes Suck

Anxiety, that fretting and fleeting emotion that is nearly as strong as fear or love itself—the two strongest emotions in the human brain. And indeed, anxiety could easily be ranked in the top five of most striking human emotions, ones that can really shape your existence, and your happiness, your ability to focus, work and be successful with life.

Anxiety can prevent you from enjoying what you love the most. It can really make your life crumby.

Four Ways Anxiety Can Really Take Its Toll On Your Life, Happiness
1. Anxiety can prevent you from enjoying time out and about with your family and your friends; it can keep you inside, filled with fear.
2. Work can be ten times harder to accomplish because anxiety can prevent you from focusing your efforts.
3. Social situations can diminish. Your confidence in social settings can be greatly affected when you suffer from anxiety.
4. Love and sex life. Anxiety has been proven to also be detrimental in the bedroom; it can even reduce or strain stamina and sexual drive.

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