Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Last Few Pounds Fly off When you Use Expelis to Purge Them!

Not surprisingly, the number one New Year’s resolution in the United States for January of 2009 was losing weight! Yet we are supposed to consume our weight (in ounces) in water each day. And water is heavy, far heavier than fat. That means that the average person could gain three to ten pounds in water weight in a single day alone! For those who are seeking to lose weight, stepping on the scale and not knowing if you weigh more or less because of excess retained fluids can be detrimental to your weight loss plan!

The Benefits of Water Reduction
Water weight is far heavier than actual fat. Because water can weight up to four times as much as human fat, it can also cause that of four times the appearance. Similarly, water can sit on the human body much like fat: bubbly and gooey and spread. And, when you step on the scale you can think that you actually gained weight—or never met your weight loss goals—because there can be vast amounts of excess water that are bogging down your insides. Most people report losing one to five pounds or more of fluid weight when using the best water reduction supplement in the world: Expelis! If you are trying to speed up your weight loss goals, then give them a kick start with Expelis today!

Purge that excess water fast at: www.Expelis.com!